“60 motivos para fotografiar la vida”
En A4-Estudio siempre decimos que la fotografía es el mejor medio para expresar nuestro arte y sentimientos. Por ese motivo, decidimos fotografiar y celebrar la vida junto a Beatriz Pérez una mujer que al igual que nosotros, está muy orgullosa de sí misma y permanece fuerte a pesar del paso del tiempo.Entonces, nada mejor para festejar el estar aquí, que salir de nuestra zona de confort e...¡La pasión de A4 Estudio en mí!!!
Desde pequeños a todos nos enseñan a creer en algo… ideologías, religiones y hasta costumbres de nuestros abuelos; vamos creciendo creando estereotipos, conjugando haceres con deberes; y de pronto nos convertimos en adultos…padres…trabajadores, con responsabilidades y llega un instante en que recordamos los sueños de la infancia, aquellas ideas que no nos dejaban dormir, …En tiempos de Covid,...Favorite Images of 2019: A Retrospective
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality. Photography is all about light. To let the camera “see” what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter...Canon EOS R Full Frame Mirrorless Camera
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality. Photography is all about light. To let the camera “see” what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter...
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.
Photography is all about light. To let the camera “see” what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your...
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.
Photography is all about light. To let the camera “see” what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your...